# Installation
Here you can find information on creating a Shopware PWA project, and how to prepare Shopware 6 instance beforehand.
# Play on CodeSandbox
See how it's working without any installation on CodeSandbox.
# Environment requirements
- node (opens new window) - we use v16.13.1, currently (you can use nvm (opens new window) to easily switch between versions)
- yarn (opens new window) - v1.22.x
- IDE - VS Code (opens new window) recommended (then you can install extensions for Vue and Nuxt)
# Set up the Shopware 6 instance first!
Before you start the installation of PWA, make sure that your Shopware 6 instance is ready
# Create a Shopware PWA project
The only way to install a Shopware PWA is using the official CLI (opens new window).
This section exaplains how properly init a project.