# Create a project

# Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Post install configuration
  3. Continuous integration mode (--ci)

# Initialization of a project

Run init command of CLI:

npx @shopware-pwa/cli@canary init

You will be asked for:

Shopware instance address URL of Shopware 6 instance you want be connected to
Shopware instance access token API access key (got from this step)
Shopware admin username* Admin panel user - to fetch required data from Shopware 6 instance via admin API
Shopware admin username* Password for given username
Do you want to allow dev mode for slots? (Don't use for production!) To determine if see slots mode for plugins is enabled

admin / password - why?

During initialization of the project, additional command are executed to:

  • synchronize domains configuration (mandatory! - the multilangue and routing depends on that)
  • synchronize plugins (not required)

So far, there is no other way to fetch the required data from public API, that's why init CLI command does it under the hood using admin API.

# Run

Nuxt based

Under the hood, the Shopware PWA is a regular Nuxt project, extended with a nuxt module. So now, you can run or build it in the same way. Nevertheless, we recommend you to use shopware-pwa CLI (opens new window) commands to avoid mistakes with configuration.

# Dev mode

yarn dev    # under the hood, some additional commands are executed before the nuxt is running

# Build a project

yarn build  # under the hood, some additional commands are executed before the nuxt is running

# Run a prebuilt project

yarn start  # executes a "nuxt start" command

# Continuous integration mode

The init command provides some optional options and parameters to enable working during a CI process (--ci option). If you use --ci option with init command, then you won't be ased to answear for any question; the input parameters will be taken.

Let's have a look at example from our github actions script:

# .github/workflows/deploy-storefrontcloud.yml
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Setup node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: "14"
          registry-url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
      - name: Create project (release)
        run: |
          mkdir test-project
          cd ./test-project
          npx @shopware-pwa/cli@latest init --ci --devMode --shopwareDomainsAllowList=${{ env.RELEASE_URL }} --shopwareDomainsAllowList=${{ env.RELEASE_URL }}/de
          yarn build

Now let's have a closer look at this part of the code:

npx @shopware-pwa/cli@latest init --ci --devMode --shopwareDomainsAllowList=${{ env.RELEASE_URL }} --shopwareDomainsAllowList=${{ env.RELEASE_URL }}/de
Parameter/option Description Example
--ci Enables the Continuous integration mode. Disables further prompts in CLI.
--devMode Enables the developer mode
--shopwareDomainsAllowList URL of allowed domain under which PWA will be runnin on. Used multiple times will output an array of URLs. https://my-awesome-pwa.com or http://localhost:3000
--shopwareEndpoint Shopware 6 API endpoint. https://pwa-demo-api.shopware.com/trunk
--shopwareAccessToken Access Token for specific Sales Channel. SWSCMDAZUUG5Z05VWKXIDWPSEQ
--stage target version of Shopware PWA. ^1.0.1
--username Admin user name admin
--password Admin user password shopware