A command line interface for Shopware PWA (opens new window).

# CLI commands

Use always latest CLI package. To do so, use npx instead of npm or yarn installed package, like:

npx @shopware-pwa/cli <command>

# Available commands:

command Purpose
build-theme Build a custom theme
build Build a project in production mode
cms Regenerate map for cms components
create-theme Bootstrap a custom theme structure
dev-theme Dev build of custom theme
dev Dev build for a project
domains Synchronize domains settings for routing
init Init a project
languages Merge project locales
override Override a specific theme component
plugins Load and mount Shopware PWA plugins
snippets Synchronize the language snippets

Every command has its own parameters available.

Canary version

Currently, we're releasing a canary version per every push to master branch, so in order to have newest changes and fixes just install it like this:

npx @shopware-pwa/cli@canary <command>

Nevertheless, it's recommended to use other commands than init without npx, and rely on the project's package located in local node_modules. To do so, run: yarn shopware-pwa <command>. Thanks to this, you will get rid of many dependency/misconfiguration problems later on.

# Usage

Create a directory for your project and enter it

mkdir my-shopware-pwa
cd ./my-shopware-pwa

initialize project inside directory

npx @shopware-pwa/cli init

after this you're connected to our test shopware instance and ready to run project locally

yarn dev

Your application will be available on http://localhost:3000 (opens new window).
Now you have complete ShopwarePWA project running locally.

# License