# Events interceptor since 0.4.0
Sometimes there is a need to react on some event in the application. You may want to show a notification when product is added to cart, or send that event to your Analytics system.
To easily react to changes and events across the application we created useIntercept
It allows you to safely broadcast and intercept system events, and add your own events.
Useful info
All system events can be found in INTERCEPTOR_KEYS
constant, you'll find it by importing it from composables package import { INTERCEPTOR_KEYS } from "@shopware-pwa/composables"
interface is available here.
# Usage examples
# In any vue component
In most cases, you'll use this mechanism indirectly. Let's take for example useAddToCart
It introduces a new type of methods onXXX
, in our case it's onAddToCart
so when you'd like to react on that event:
setup(props) {
const {
} = useAddToCart({ product: props.product})
onAddToCart(({props.product, quantity}) => {
// here you can show notification, or send GTM event
return {
Remember, that when you listen on the event in component, then you listen to it in every component instance. So if you have two active instances of this component and you want to show notification on adding to cart event, then you'd end up with two notifications. If you want to react on specific method do it in the component triggering the action or in Nuxt plugin (description below).
setup(props) {
const {
} = useAddToCart({ product: props.product})
const yourAddToCartWrapper = async () => {
await addToCart()
// here you could show notification
return {
# In Nuxt plugin
If you don't want to change any component in order to react on some event, you can create new Nuxt plugin, for example, src/plugins/my-interceptors.js
, add it to nuxt.config.js
** Plugins to load before mounting the App
** https://nuxtjs.org/guide/plugins
plugins: ['~/plugins/my-interceptor.js'],
and then inside this file, you can use interceptors directly like this (it will be also useful for intercepting your own events)
import {
} from "@shopware-pwa/composables";
import { getTranslatedProperty } from "@shopware-pwa/helpers";
export default async () => {
const { on } = useIntercept();
const { pushSuccess } = useNotifications();
name: "show-success-notification"
handler: ({ product }) => {
`${getTranslatedProperty(product, "name")} has been added to cart.`
or like this
import {
} from "@shopware-pwa/composables";
import { getTranslatedProperty } from "@shopware-pwa/helpers";
export default async ({ app }) => {
const { onAddToCart } = useAddToCart(app);
const { pushSuccess } = useNotifications(app);
onAddToCart(({ product }) => {
`${getTranslatedProperty(product, 'name')} has been added to cart.`
# Broadcast custom event
You can broadcast your custom events accross application. Your custom event will not be defined in INTERCEPTOR_KEYS
, so you can broadcast your event like this:
setup(props) {
const { broadcast } = useIntercept()
const yourMethod = async () => {
// ...some action
broadcast('my-custom-event', {param1: "xyz"})
return {
# Stop intercepting events
If the interceptor is used in component, it ends life with the life of this component, so you don't need to worry about potential memory leaks and invoking methods in dead components.
If you're invoking it in nuxt plugin it will listen for the whole time when the application is displayed.
You might want to stop listening on the event at some point though, for example, another event causes that you don't want to listen to the event anymore.
method from useIntercept
comes with help. This is how you can do this:
import { useIntercept, INTERCEPTOR_KEYS } from "@shopware-pwa/composables";
export default async ({ app }) => {
const { intercept, disconnect } = useIntercept();
const myOnAddToCartMethod = ({ product }) => {
// do something with event
intercept(INTERCEPTOR_KEYS.ADD_TO_CART, myOnAddToCartMethod);
intercept("my-custom-event", () => {
disconnect(INTERCEPTOR_KEYS.ADD_TO_CART, myOnAddToCartMethod);