# Environment variables

This guide will help you to configure your shopware-pwa project using environment variables (opens new window).

# Usage

Environment variables can be used within the application in many places, in the runtime as same as the build time. In nodejs-based application they can be accessed by using process.env.[VARIABLE_CODE], process.env.NODE_ENV for instance. Nuxt and shopware-pwa itself uses some predefined variables to customize the application.

The great example is a helper for getting images with optional image processor (treated like a proxy), the helper contains the piece of code:

  if (!process.env.EXPERIMENTAL_IMAGE_PROCESSING_SERVER) return originalImageSrc


    let url = `${process.env.EXPERIMENTAL_IMAGE_PROCESSING_SERVER}?url=${mediaUrl}`

Shopware-pwa provides the optional way of setting env variables by using .env file, instead of setting them up using system environment variables explicitly like:

EXPERIMENTAL_IMAGE_PROCESSING_SERVER=https://someserver.com/img/ shopware-pwa dev or even before running the nodejs process, manually.

# Setup

A generated project contains .env.template among other files placed in root directory.


Remember that the .env file is listed in .gitignore and shouldn't be versioned because it may contain some sensitive data.

The .env.template file's content may look similar to this one:


In order to activate the variables from the file, change the template's name to just .env

# Description

The default environment variables

  • HOST - nuxt server host name ( by default)
  • PORT - nuxt server port number (3000 by default)
  • ADMIN_USER - Shopware 6 admin user name (admin by default)
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD - Shopware 6 admin password (shopware by default)
  • ENABLE_DEVTOOLS - config turning on the nuxt dev tools (true by default)
  • NODE_ENV - application mode: dev or production (dev by default)
  • EXPERIMENTAL_IMAGE_PROCESSING_SERVER - URL to the custom image processor (well described here (opens new window))


shopware-pwa CLI tool can also detect the current state of environment variables and use given ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD values in plugins and domains commands (suggest credentials).
